Final boss Curse of the Dead Gods and how to finish the game

How to finish the game

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Final boss Curse of the Dead Gods: in this guide I show you how to reach the boss of the game and succeed in killing Clovis Pardieux!

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Anti-spoiler preamble

In order to avoid spoiling the boss, you will not have any information on him before the "Boss mechanics" section. The rest is therefore guaranteed without any spoilers on the final boss!

Choice of blessings

Here are the blessings that I recommend for this last expedition. They are expensive but are really very useful:

  • divine perception: great chance to have equipment of a higher quality
  • serpent providence: bosses give 5 items instead of 2, i.e. 9 bonus items on this run
    • be careful, do not work on optional bosses
  • Reptilian Greed: greed kill that doesn't stop out of combat and increases your damage
    • be careful, if you don't type in combat you lose it
    • you can also opt for another blessing, this one is less "obligatory"

blessings final boss Curse of the Dead Gods Clovis PardieuxThe blessings to finish the game

Choice of weapons and relics

To do this run, I banned all the equipment that didn't interest me, for example bows and maces that I don't like. I just keep cursed weapons of all classes, allowing a curse to be removed if I drop one. I have tried several combinations, here is the one that works best:

  • primary weapon with fire damage or chance to deal fire damage
  • relics with heal when killing a flaming enemy or when critical hit or basic heal on weapon
  • relics which increases the healing effect

This set-up will allow you to largely heal yourself, and you can combine it with the following:

  • Jaguar Mask Relic: Gets gold when hit
  • Sparkle Sapphire Relic: additional damage based on your gold

It is crucial to have all of these relics except the sparkle sapphire which is a good bonus but not mandatory.

Here are my stats just before facing the boss:

  • primary weapon 7 with fire damage - good to have
  • 42 constitution, 20 dexterity, 88 perception
    • note that it is not important to max such or such stats, try to have as much as possible, unless your weapon is based on a characteristic
  • golden mask - mandatory
  • chalice of vigor - obligatory
  • sparkle sapphire - good to have
  • snakeskin cape - practical but replaceable
  • cursed king crown - no interest
    • the final boss removes your curses
  • blown effigy - no interest in the boss
    • change it if possible, but convenient for shipping

Equipment and stats Final Boss Curse of the Dead GodsMy stats to face the boss

Choice of rooms

Be careful, this dungeon has increased corruption.

This expedition adds new rooms, the boss rooms. These are the champions of the old expeditions, apart from the final three bosses. It is interesting to fight them, but also very risky, so I recommend it in room 2 or 3. If you miss or if it goes badly, you can always start again and will not lose much. It also allows you to remove a curse. As a result

  1. A relic room, stats or buff to take from corruption
  2. Same as 1 or boss
  3. Same as 1 or boss
  4. Then prioritize relics and weapon upgrades, gold if needed

You can reach the final curse, as long as you manage to complete the last boss before the final boss.

path choice Curse of the Dead Gods Clovis PardieuxMy first rooms of the expedition


Surprise before reaching the boss, you will have to face three offerings, each corresponding to a temple. The effects are as follows:

  • 0 gold, negative effect
  • 1000 gold, one in two chance negative or positive effect
  • 5000 gold, positive effect

I strongly advise you to have at least 11 gold coins when arriving at this area:

  • spend 5000 gold to level up all your weapons
  • spend 5000 gold to level up all your relics
  • spend 1000 gold to lose or gain 10% health, or the 5000 gold to heal yourself

the offerings Curse of the Dead Gods Clovis PardieuxDon't come to this area empty-handed!

Boss mechanics

Clovis Pardieux is not the most complicated boss in the game, but has a few mechanics to know:

  • it will drop a spike on your head, if it hits you will take damage but remove a curse
  • it makes a laser of corruption, be careful it tingles but quite easy to dodge
  • he makes lots of circles of corruption, the same to dodge
  • during each quarter of life, he summons elite creeps that you can kill to heal yourself

Once you kill him, then it gets more complicated. He switches to his second form and the real fight begins:

  • at each quarter of life he changes his weapon
  • wait until you know his attack, especially the one that turns on himself in order to dodge them as well as possible
  • take the time you need and type it after his attacks

Final Boss Curse of the Dead Gods Clovis PardieuxThe final boss of Curse of the Dead Gods

Alchemists SlashingCreeps

With these preparations you should more easily get by and be able to face the boss of the game! You will finally be able to rest, but not for long anyway because there is a good surprise afterwards! I won't tell you more!

By Alchemists, May 2021

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