Dark avatar jaguar, eagle, snake curse of the dead gods

Dark avatars eagle, jaguar, snake

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Dark eagle, jaguar and snake avatars: find the techniques to kill these three big bosses T3 without being hit and in hard mode!

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Dark Snake Avatar

I will start as usual with for me the simplest boss of the three. Every quarter of life and from the start he summons three snakes, some of which are elite. The elite number corresponds to the level where you face it. If for example you have it at level 2, it will have two elite snakes. Here are his attacks:

  • invocation of snakes
  • snake stroke then spin
  • snake kick then jump

This boss is kept simple because his attacks are easy to dodge:

  • for the summoning of snakes, kill them as a priority, this will weaken the boss for a second but above all will prevent him from being healed by sacrificing them
  • snake strike then spin: do two dodges in a row to be quiet
  • snake hit then jump: he does this attack when you are far away, try to make him jump on the snakes because they take damage from the boss jump

Dark Serpent Avatar boss tier 3 curse of the dead godsBig and imposing but not very fast

Dark eagle avatar

We raise the level of difficulty directly with the boss of the temple of the eagle, which is much more complicated in terms of his kit. Every quarter of life it will summon a storm that will send you waves of lightning:

  • thrust: attack with the point of his sword
  • charge forward: dash towards you while attacking
  • triple sword stroke: three sword strokes in a row, with the last one slower
  • rear load: backs up and sends a wave
  • Lightning Storm Summon: Creates a storm that hits its heart and launches sound waves upon summoning and at regular intervals
  • heal against attack: heals itself and sends a counter attack if you hit it

There is not necessarily magic to manage this boss, you will need to have good reflexes and know his attacks, but it is possible:

  • thrust: rather simple, just to be avoided
  • triple sword blow: this one is harder, because you have to time the three attacks well. Possibly get out of range on the first and second, and dodge the third having more range
  • charge forward: to avoid this attack, always have the boss visible, this will prevent an attack from appearing anywhere
  • rear load: this one is not very visible, you will have to be ready as soon as you see it
  • storm summon: one of the rather complicated parts. When the boss summons a storm he doesn't hit, so you have a few seconds window to knock him out. Then gain stamina and dodge the ring of lightning and its attack, then resume the fight
  • counter attack and heal: as soon as he puts on his shield he heals himself, hit it quickly then dodge almost immediately

Dark Eagle Avatar Boss Tier 3 Curse of the Dead GodsThis one will require a lot more training

Dark jaguar avatar

I'll end with the jaguar avatar, it's not the most complicated but you have to be patient, and it's not my forte! Here are his attacks:

  • Small explosion: rapid explosion, with a low area of ​​effect
  • Large explosion: explode slowly, with a large area of ​​effect
  • Scratch: just one scratch
  • Double claw: two hits
  • Jump: jump and shock wave on impact
  • Rush: triple attack while running in one direction

Here's how to easily dodge his attacks:

  • Small explosion: get out of the area at all costs
  • Big explosion: get out of the area at all costs
  • Claw strike: simple dodge
  • Double claw: take a good look at the boss's movement to know if he is chained
  • Jump: get out of its impact sound, dodging is very complicated to do
  • Rush: get out of its direction, it only aims when it launches its first attack

Dark Avatar of the Jaguar Boss Tier 3 Curse of the Dead GodsPatience and precision will be the key words to kill him easily

Alchemists SlashingCreeps

Here are the three big bosses of Curse of the Dead Gods. If you can manage them easily on difficult, you will have a good chance of successfully completing the game!

By Alchemists, May 2021

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