Rush Diablo 2 Resurrected, to no longer bother with the story

Coaching Boost Rush Barbarian

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In this coaching, I rush the Barbarian's nightmare difficulty on Diablo 2 Resurrected, from normal elders to nightmare!

Rush Diablo 2 Resurrected, to no longer bother with the story

Coachee's request

"I have a level 30 act 5 barbarian in normal, before the ancients. I would like you to bring him to nightmare before the ancients."

Coaching process and farm areas

Here is the course of this coaching:

  • Normal act 5 elders and baal (10 min)
  • Nightmare act 1 (5 min)
  • Nightmare act 2 (15 min)
  • Nightmare act 3 (20 min)
  • Nightmare act 4 (10 min)

Remember if you die to stay on your corpse! Otherwise if the quest is completed by the rusher when you are in town you will not get it and you will have to play again.

Do you want to be coached?

Coaching is possible in three ways, Game Help, Boost or Software and Utilities, check all our coaching offers or contact us directly at!

Alchemists dm gaming

Within an hour, you won't have to bother with any difficulty of Diablo 2 Resurrected through the system of coaching !

Diablo 2 Resurrected SlashingCreeps Logo submenu

By Alchemists, February 2023

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