act II dungeon challenge

Act 2 Challenge Dungeon Steps of Torment

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Act 2 Challenge Dungeon: find in this guide all the information about this dungeon, including Pain, Misery, Suffering, and Anguish!

In a few words

Below is the main info of this dungeon:

  • Populated by skeletons, with a level easy enough to start with peace of mind!
  • You should pass this dungeon by being cap in resistances and with a good build
  • This dungeon is particularly long, allow around 1 hour
  • The maps are as follows: Steps of Torment, Pain, Misery, "skeleton key", Suffering, Anguish

Steps of Torment

To access the dungeon, go through the Broken Hills rift and go south of it. Apart from a wall to be broken just before going to the next level, this part does not contain any point of interest. You can therefore go directly to Pain.


Pain is the second level of the dungeon, being just as empty as the previous level, you can go straight to Misery


Here is the start of the interesting part of the dungeon. On your right you will have at the bottom a shrine as well as a wall to break, if that does not interest you go directly to the left in the direction of the boss Grand Priest Zarthuzellan. It can be killed without difficulty, kite and do a tp if necessary.

Once the boss is at your feet, use the skeleton key to switch to Suffering (be careful, no more the right to die!).


First level of the dungeon challenge and third level of the complete dungeon, you will have two points of interest to do. The first on your right in a large square room, the second behind the exit where you will find the boss Ilgorr, the Eternal. Be careful, it hits hard, resists, has two forms and moreover summons creeps. Consider kit and use your potions as needed.

Then head towards Anguish.


Anguish is the last level of the dungeon, synonymous with loot and final boss. There you will find an NPC to buy blueprints and a secret area before going to the boss. Go south of the map, in the submerged area there is a tunnel leading to a secret room, also necessary for the Celestial Clone of John Bourbon.

Once these two elements are done, go to the middle of the map to kill Alkamos, Lord Executioner. He is less powerful than the previous boss, so you should kill him without any problem!

Do not forget the chests then exit the dungeon!

Alchemists SlashingCreeps

A dungeon with good density but less complex and rewarding than other dungeons. To do at the beginning to start equipping yourself!

By Alchemists, September 2020

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