Discord members of the month SlashingCreeps, get premium access and specific rank for free

Discord members of the month

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Every month, the most thanked members of Discord will get a specific Discord role at the top of the list!


The concept

Many of you on the Discord help other members, whether through rushes, explanations of the game or other activities of this type. In order to thank these players who do this voluntarily, each month the most thanked members will become Members of the month!

  • remember to thank the person when you receive a service on #thanks with @nomdujoueur
  • Hmdll validate it with green mark

Alchemists dm gaming

If you are active on the Discord, you will soon become a member of the month! Enjoy this new role and a huge thank you to the active members of our community!

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By Alchemists, April 2022

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