Torchlight Infinite Complete Guide

Torchlight Infinite Complete Guide

Torchlight Infinite SlashingCreeps submenu

Classes, traits, hero, skills, energy, gear, enchantment, market, spirit, trades, pvp, map, world, story and more!

  • Torchlight Infinite guide, to know everything about the game :(00:00)
  • Reminder of hero classes: (00:18)
  • Stats strength, dexterity, intelligence: (00:41)
  • Skill tags and build build: (01:09)
  • Talents and synergies: (02:24)
  • Equipment to recover: (03:04)
  • Skills and synergies: (03:36)
  • Enchantments to improve your equipment: (03:43)
  • Black market and recycling: (04:10)
  • Markets between players: (04:22)
  • Spirits: (04:40)
  • World map, Shadow Kingdom endgame story : (04:57)
  • Corruption, shard maps, DPS test :(05:29)
  • PvP Torchlight Infinite :(05:51)
  • Don't forget to follow the channel, thank you! :(05:56)

  • Torchlight Infinite Guide, everything to know: (00:00)
  • Choosing your Hero Class: (00:16)
  • Statistics Dexterity, Strength, Intelligence: (00:38)
  • Abilities Tags and build your hero: (01:09)
  • Synergy Skills: (02:01)
  • Equipment to look for: (02:30)
  • Abilities and energy: (02:55)
  • Enchantments to improve your gear: (03:01)
  • Black market and salvage: (03:27)
  • Trading between players: (03:35)
  • Pactspirits: (03:49)
  • World map, history and endgame NetherRealm: (04:05)
  • Corrosion, memory shards and DPS tests: (04:30)
  • PvP Torchlight Infinite:(04:50)
  • Don't forget to follow the channel, thanks! :(04:56)

Preamble and operation of the guide

This guide is organized in a specific order, in order to best guide you through the game. If you ever skip a section and don't understand the next one, it's probably because of the skipped section! So remember to follow this guide in which it was created. Beware at the end, there is a spoiler about the size of the story mode, "map and story" section.

 Hero Classes and Traits

The class will be crucial to choose, because will directly give the guideline of your build. Even if a ranger can equip a staff, it wouldn't be doing him a favor! Here are the classes and traits:

  • Warrior: melee rage gain, the perfect melee character
  • Ranger: increased projectile damage, the perfect ranged character
  • Cold Fire Mage: spell damage based on using fire or ice, a fire or ice mage or combo
  • Illusionist: spell and allies boost, for non-fire/ice or support mage
  • Commander: boost summons, perfect for playing summoner


Here are the main stats of the game:

  • Strength: life and melee damage
  • Intelligence: mana and energy shield
  • Dexterity: attack speed, spell casting speed and evasion

You also find the classic statistics, life, armor, evasion, armor penetration, critical chance, movement speed. The energy is particular and is described right after.

Skills and Energy

Energy unlocks upgrades for your skills. You have 5 active skills and 3 passive skills, each of which can have 5 upgrades. You have full operation of Torchlight Infinite skills and energy on our guide. You gain energy with your level and equipment.

Types of tags

It is crucial to understand this section because your entire build will rely on it! Here are the skill tag rankings:

Principal Subtype Damage Range Poor Application
Attack Mobility Physical Melee Shadow attack 1m sword, claws, daggers Horizontal
Black Curse Feu Distance Attack slashing sword, axe, hammers Parabolique
Cri Defensive Ice Demolition sword, axe, hammers Vertical
Happiness Who activates Lightning projectile From Area
Summoner Erosion Which lasts
"Excellence Award"

For example:

  • Lightning Shot: Attack, Chain, Lightning, Distance, Projectile, Horizontal
  • Vulnerability: Spell, Curse, Physical, Lasting, Area


Talents are the key to your build. It is crucial that you have understood the section just before to choose your talents well, unless you follow a build Torchlight Infinite. You can choose three talent trees, remember to look at the tags and statistics (strength, dexterity, intelligence) to give you a first idea. Don't forget that you will have a node to activate once enough points have been invested in the tree, so it will be more interesting to complete a tree before taking a second one! If you make a mistake, it costs regret points, be sure of your choices!


The equipment consists of 10 pieces, helmet, armor, amulet, gloves, two rings, belt, boot and two one-handed weapons or one two-handed weapon. You have of course different rarities and powers of equipment. Just like the talents, you will absolutely have to choose those that synergize with your type of skill.

Equipment Enchantment

Near the NPC Maud, you will be able to add suffixes and prefixes, with a limit of 3 of each for a total of 6. Having an additional line of stats will necessarily be interesting, be careful to do it on equipment that is really worth it ! You will also be able to change the base value of the energy given by your object, ultra powerful but at the same time pay attention to the costs.

Black market

The black market allows you to disassemble equipment you no longer need and to have random equipment.


Spirits are also a unique feature of Torchlight Infinite. You can choose three spirits that will each give you different buffs. The more powerful your mind, the more bonuses you have. Spirits and resources to upgrade them are rare, so be very careful when using them!

Market between players

The market between players makes it easy to buy and sell anything you want, at the price you want. It will therefore be important to always keep an eye on the items in the market, with considerable room for trading on Torchlight Infinite.

world map and history

The world map is made up of five chapters, each of which is made up of several instances to create the game's plot. They will keep you busy until around level 60. Note that the names of the NPCs in this guide are those of the first city.

Dungeons and Netherrealm

You can participate in Netherrealm Torchlight Infinite acting as Endgame for the game. You have all the info on the link!

Other game systems

Here are the other functions you will find:

  • Corruption PNJ Zenoth: this system allows you to modify an object randomly
  • Memory Fragment Cards: to retrieve items
  • Invincible NPC Sidney: to test your dps
  • Chest: to store your equipment
  • Skill vendor: same as your spell menu


There is no PvP nor planned to be implemented in the game.

Alchemists dm gaming

You will thus have all the information to understand the game well, with this Torchlight Infinite guide and will be able to make your builds, choose the best classes, not be mistaken in talent and improve your equipment much more easily!

Torchlight Infinite SlashingCreeps submenu

By Alchemists, September 2022

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