Karma Jungle S11 League of Legends

Karma S11 Jungle

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Karma S11 Jungle on League of Legends, Runes, Items, Path and Tips! Attention completely out of meta!

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Preamble, why Karma jungle?

Here is some information on the interest and the difficulties of playing Karma in the jungle:

  • You play a fun pick that will surprise your opponent (and your allies)
  • You are excellent at ganking, due to the speed of the shield, your root and your burst slowdown
  • Your late game (past 16) is completely insane, you will explode any target
  • Karma has the possibility of being at the same time support, burst and resistant
  • You have one of the worst early days of the game, you will lose the jungle but it is not very serious (see below)


Here are some tips for mastering Karma:

  • The Power of Karma: The boosted Q has a crazy burst of damage, without even having large items. It also has considerable reach and a very large AOE area. This is one of the best poke in the game. With items / runes, you will always have something to boost your Q during combat. In addition to his burst, Karma has the perfect kit to help his allies and to self-sustain. On the other hand, you will have to juggle all your spells to win the fights.
  • The super simple ganks: to gank and ensure the kill without problem, it is enough to boost your speed (alt + E), launch the root which does not need to be aimed, follow the target so that the leash lasts, and once root R + A to launch your burst.
  • Allied boost ganks: Karma can also easily help allies, especially thanks to the shield which adds move speed and protection. You can therefore accelerate an ally who has CC or save your ADC or mid!
  • Early drakes: I don't recommend starting a dragon early in the game, however Karma is good at holding targets. You have poke, life and mana regen, and CCs. Just think of warding the dragon and as soon as the jungler opposite starts go stop him and get the drake! You will be able to initiate dragons from level 11.
  • Focus in combat: your R must aim at an essential target at all costs, such as the ADC or the mid in the video. Watch out for items like Zhonya or Chrono, which can completely destroy your engage. Remember to go snipe a target with your R, as well as use it in defense to save an ally. Once on your priority target, don't let go! You have enough move speed and gap close to be able to kill anyone.
  • The full tank version: you can also play Karma in a tank, it will continue to hit hard but above all will be able to completely absorb enemy damage. I recommend this build if you have a good premade ADC or mid, you can easily place it in victory conditions.


Here are the runes to take:

  1. Domination
    • Electrocution: increases your burst
    • Low Blow: More damage to CC enemies
    • Eye Ripper: More power after a kill
    • Ingenious Hunter: Ultimate Cooldown Reduction
  2. Witchcraft
    • Transcendence: reduction of cooldowns
    • Mana Ribbon: Mana Regeneration
    • Skill boost / Strength / Armor

Runes Karma Jungle S11


I recommend two sets for Karma. The first allows to inflict considerable damage and in particular to destroy the tanks. You will however be a little less resistant.

  1. Liandry's affliction
  2. Boot of lucidity
  3. Demonic embrace
  4. Cosmic Will
  5. Veil of the banshee
  6. Rabadon's Headdress

The second will be based on penetrating damage and regen. It will be easier to play if you are too late.

  1. Rift Creator
  2. Boot level 1
  3. Spiritual face
  4. Wizard shoes
  5. Demonic embrace
  6. Cosmic Will
  7. Void Staff or Rabadon Headdress

I also offer a third version, which is the full tank Karma. It allows you to completely absorb enemy damage and help your allies thanks to the many CCs.

  1. Solar aegis
  2. Boot level 1
  3. Spiritual face
  4. Fiery censer
  5. Boot level 2
  6. Abyssal Mask
  7. Cote thornuse

Item karma tank S11

Early game

Be careful to follow this path, especially when watching the video because it is very complicated to achieve!

  • Order of spells
    A, Z, E then max A, max E, max Z
  • Objects to start
    Three red potions, blue knife (frost blade), trinket ward
  • Invade or not
    Karma is very good at invading, as she has her Q boosted. On the other hand it will put you badly to start your jungle. If you have an ally who can pull you after invading you can, otherwise avoid.
  • Counter jungle or not
    No, spend your time farming, your power peaks are at levels 11 then 16

Jungle Path

There is only one jungle path, you have to do this one.

  1. Blue
  2. The frog - potion
  3. Wolves
  4. The piafs - potion
  5. The red - smite
  6. Golem - potion and smite
  7. ganks
  8. Recall

You will finish the path around 4:30, no need to collect the Carapateur!

Karma jungle map

Be careful, you must succeed in your ganks, otherwise it will be complicated later (eye puller and hunter runes, gold and gold). Also avoid dying at all costs, if you are invaded until you are at least level 8 do not duel. You can also leave the first drake, unless you do a good mid / bot gank. On the other hand, you can do the herald without any worries.

Until you get your level 10-11, you'll be one level behind the jungle opposite. The key is not to have more gap when playing ultra safe. Once your level 10-11, you will have items then the ultra level 2 and can start to deploy the full power of Karma in a duel.

To summarize : I gank, I farm and above all I avoid duels or 2v2, 3v3, until the 11th

Alchemists SlashingCreeps

Playing Jungle Karma isn't going to be easy on the first try, but if you are looking for a champion who thinks outside the box look no further! Karma is tough to play, but has all the kit you would expect from a champion worthy of the name, and will earn you your mid / late game teamfights!

By Alchemists, November 2020

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