Mundo S11 Jungle

Mundo S11 Jungle

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Mundo S11 Jungle: items, jungle path, runes and tips to best manage Mundo in League of Legends!

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Here are some tips for mastering Mundo:

  • Tip # 1 succeed in all your axes - the ax will give you slowing down, movement speed (with the rune), damage, heal, in short! It is extremely important to succeed in all your axes! You can easily kill a target in a duel and succeed in your ganks
  • Tip # 2 reverse ganks - you can very easily invade the jungle and take the opportunity to go behind the tower to gank. With the speed and the heal of the R you will have no trouble killing your target and leaving
  • Tip # 3 the duration of the fights - every second of combat plays in Mundo's favor, whether through his completely insane poke or the extended 12 second regeneration of his R, you will win the fights by playing the watch
  • Tip # 4 the bait - once level 11, you will have some resistance items as well as the ultimate level 2, so you will be able to absorb an incredible amount of damage as well as heroic enemies. Combine the other tips to completely reverse the fights!
  • Tip # 5 The Jungler Invade - if you have the vision on the enemy lines (mid / top if you go to the red opposite for example), you will be able without any problem to invade to either take the opposing creeps thanks to the speed of clear or kill the opposing jungler or the two. Keep your R in stock, in case of the unexpected you can easily leave.


Here are the runes to take:

  • Precision
    • Footwork: healing and movement speed at 100 energy
    • Thriomphe: healing on a kill and extra po
    • Alacrity: attack speed on a kill
    • Last stand: no more damage if low hp
  • Inspiration
    • Magic Shoes: Free boots with +10 ms
    • Approach speed: increases your speed when the enemy is CC (smite, ax)
    • Acceleration / Versatility / Defense

Runes jungler mundo S11


Here is the order of the objects that I recommend:

  1. Solar Aegis
  2. Spiritual Face
  3. Cote thornuse
  4. Mercury Boots
  5. Warmog
  6. Gargoyle

S11 jungler mundo items

The advantage of this set is that it will fit in 90% of your games, you can possibly adapt it if the majority AP or AD opposite (change the boots, an object resists magic more for example, etc).


Here is some info on the jungle.

Order of spells:

  • E, A, Z then max A, max E, max Z

Objects to start:

  • three healing potions, blue knife (frost blade), trinket ward

Invade start or not:

  • No, unless your allies are spamming you for group. Mundo has very little use at the start of the game

Counter jungle or not:

  • Yes, Mundo can 1v1 any jungler and has insane clear speed. You can therefore steal the creeps of the opposing jungle or try to catch a jungler with little health. Be careful with the early all the same which is quite complicated.

Jungle Path

You should always start with blue in order to completely clear the jungle.

  1. Blue
  2. The frog - potion
  3. Wolves - potion
  4. The piaf - potion
  5. Red-smite
  6. Golem - potential smite
  7. Carapateur - potential smite
  8. ganks
  9. Recall, pink ward, cinder, anti-invisible trinket

You have two options for the second smite, either use it on the golems, which allows you to arrive faster and with more hp on the scavenger, or keep it for the scavenger, which allows sniping from the enemy jungler. . I advise you if you are a little light in pv or late to compensate by using the smite on the golem, and if not to keep it.

It is essential to move constantly in your jungle to build the energy due to the footwork rune, it will allow you to heal. During combat, this will give you a movement boost (20% for one second).

Alchemists SlashingCreeps

Mundo is undoubtedly one of the best junglers for S11, he can easily help you carry your games and no one can resist him! (Well, back off anyway when you're ignite ^^)

By Alchemists, November 2020

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